Do not have a compatible voice modem? Try Way2Call Hi-Phone Desktop hardware - an external TAPI device.
There are many "star" commands available for your convenience. Before you can activate and de-activate certain Personal Call Management Services, such as Call Forwarding, Call Screen and Call Waiting, you must first subscribe to them.
Please note that de-activating a Personal Call Management Services does not cancel your subscription to the service. For more information about costs and subscribing to Personal Call Management Services, phone your local Telephone Company.
Call Display (Caller ID) service. When a call comes in to your line, the number and name of the caller will show on the display. If the incoming caller's number is blocked, "Private" or "Anonymous" will be displayed.
Call Display PLUS service. If you subscribe to Call Display PLUS, you have the option of blocking anonimous calls. Just dial *77 and your telephone will not ring for anonymous calls. You can de-activate this service at any time by pressing *87.
Busy Call Return.To activate, press *66. To de-activate, press *86.
Call Return service will tell you the number of the person who last called you. To activate, press *69. To de-activate, press *89. Call Return will not return calls to a cellular phone number or a number that has been blocked (see *67 Per-Call-Blocking) or marked "Private".
Call Forward Busy allows you to forward calls to a fixed number when your line is busy. This service can be turned on and off in most areas. To activate, press *90. To de-activate, press *91.
Call Forward Fixed allows you to forward calls to a single fixed number. You can turn the service off and on whenever you like. To activate, press 79# or 72#. To de-activate, press 73#.
Way2Call Hi-Phone Desktop is a Caller ID compatible telephony device. It can work instead of or together with your voice modem.
Call Forward No Answer allows you to forward incoming calls to a predetermined number if the original number is not answered after a certain number of rings. This service can be turned on and off in most areas. To activate, press *92. To de-activate, press *93.
Call Forward Variable allows you to forward incoming calls to any number you choose. To activate, press 72#. To de-activate, press 73#.
Call Screen. You can have certain phone numbers screened. To add numbers to your Call Screen list, press *60.
Call Trace. If you receive an obscene or harassing phone call, hang up. Lift the handset and wait for the dial tone. To activate, press *57. De-activates after each use. Information about the traced call will be released only to the police at their request.
Per-Call Blocking. Per-Call-Blocking is only in effect for the duration of one call. To activate, press *67. De-activates after each use.
Call Return. To activate, press *69. To de-activate, press *89. Call Return will not return calls to a cellular phone number or a number that has been blocked (see *67 Per-Call-Blocking) or marked "Private".
Call Waiting. When you're on the phone and a local caller calls your line, you will hear a single, soft beep. When a long-distance call comes in you will hear three soft beeps. Re-activates automatically. To de-activate, press 70#.
How to use 3-Way Calling 1). To add a third person to your conversation, ask your first caller to hold. Press your receiver, link or flash button for one second and listen for three short beeps, followed by a dial tone. Then dial the number of the third person.
How to use 3-Way Calling 2). When he or she answers, press your receiver, link or flash button to establish your three-way connection. If the third person's line is busy or there is no answer, press your receiver, link or flash button twice to return to the person on hold.